Individual Art Therapy Sessions with Adults

What to Expect

Before we begin the sessions, you are invited to complete an introductory intake form, so that the therapist has some understanding of your personal history, lived experience, unique situation and current needs.

To give structure we can make a support /therapy plan : identifying main issues you may have and agreed goals to work towards.

All the work together is person -centred, meaning that you, the client, always has agency over how we spend the time.

When you come into the session, all that is required of you, is simply to begin where you are at. No preparation necessary.

You will be guided in creative processes using art materials of your choice, in conversation with the art therapist.

In this creative space it does help to have an openness and curiosity to trying something new.

Materials can be anything from the more traditional pastels, collage papers and paints, to natural materials such as sand and clay, leaves and seed pods, as well as recycled materials - depending on the creative work and the goals. You may work on a flat surface, such as paper or card, or in 3D, sculptural form. While we usually work indoors in the studio, we may go to outdoor spaces to engage with nature.

If change is desired in your life, this will happen only when you are ready, and you will be guided safely through the waters, as turbulent as they may be, to a safer, more liveable shore. Within the safety of a supportive therapeutic relationship - creative expression, self -awareness, and personal empowerment will be your main change agents.

You will also learn skills to take away with you, that when practiced will sustain desired change.

The flexibility and range of art therapy methods means it can be offered as a short, more solution -focused approach, or a more long term therapeutic experience, depending on your needs.


Individual Session Fees


We offer a free 20 -30 min consultation for those exploring options, and feeling curious about art therapy. It’s important to feel that both the art therapy modality and therapist are a good fit! Consultations are by phone or a visit.

Generally art therapy sessions last for 1 hour.

Private Professional fees

Adults: Generally $160.00 per hour

Children & Youth ( 4-18 years ) Generally $160.00 per hour

Fees includes all general art materials.

Concessionary rates are available. If fees are prohibitive, let’s talk openly about it :) as we would like our service to be available to all who are in need of support.

If you have any questions please ask.


We have a 24 hour cancellation policy. Missed appointments, and appointments that are cancelled with less than 24 hour notice are charged the full session fee (except for cases of emergency).

PLEASE NOTE: If you are feeling ill please let us know and we will cancel or postpone your session to another day (with NO cancellation fee).